Why Peace Villa?  P.V. was born due to a need occurring in the world today.  There is a constant intent of control of certain elites, such as government officials worldwide. There is.  tendency to control social media through the constant way to be addicted to being connected to the internet.  Nowadays the games the people living on this planet are playing, it is all toward SURVIVAL, and in the jungle of the world only the fittest make it: 

The fittest in every way possible explained in the output of every creation among the peers that share a purpose.  Call it family, marriage, work, sex, and two more, power and control.  all these resumes in one word MANIPULATION.  

I am done with Manipulation, thus the need to create PEACE VILLAGE was born, its purpose is WORLD PEACE, so why would it work in this community, if today's gatherings of people are all under the "survival of the fittest mode" what would be different to ensure success on creating this community?  The inhabitants of Peace Village, all must be committed to their ENLIGHTENMENT,  under the care of the Ishaya Monks, who are the custody of the integrity of the MSI teachings, which are the Mahavakyas of the Veda, written on the Upanishads, Maharishi Sadashiva Isham the teacher of all Ishayas living today, the name of the game on Peace Village is BRAHMAN. which means Master of Brhaman which is awareness of the Ascendant in a thousand places at the same time, that, my friends, is to delete the people's ego and sum up the 9 worlds available in this sector of the universe. 

Rather than capitulate toward wanting a better world and pretending that governance will do the change for all of us, and that is a Disney fantasy, will never happen, only will get worse.

The way to freedom is through MAHAVAKYAS, these are the master keys to turn on our greatest value and our highest good! or also called the Ishayas' Ascension' attitudes. 

Where can a person learn these: 

Ishayaearth.com   Theishayafoundation.org   thebrightpath.com  ishaya.info  Find a teacher.

Learn to Ascend, and then join us if you want to devote your life toward your enlightenment.  Why do we ought to that that? Because we intend the world for PEACE everywhere everywhere.

This Social gathering hosts no rules, only recommendations and everyone is free to live it or not,  only if or not, the other option is to continue on down that path you are already following, chasing Prince Charming, and settling for the ogre.  With the intent to show the ego to the world, I wrote a virtual book in 2007 called "The Daughters of Valladolid, and the Powerder Oil" a satire that is not, there are merely truths that one can relate and then take in account the last question on the book, "can a god die?"  on an excerpt taken from the Book by MSI, Second Thunder or what I choose to call it in Spanish, the awakening of the serpent fire.  

So we welcome all Ishayas and Ascenders who want to learn more about living in the Unity of our Nine states of awareness available to all who ascends.  

Muladhara - the physical body

Svadishtana - Sex

Manipura - Ego

Anahata - Heart 

Vishudda - Conscious Awareness of the ONE.

Ajña - Conscious Awareness of the ONE in the other. 

Sahasrara - Enlightenmnet

Brahman - Enlightenment in a thousand places

Krishna - Christ Consciousness Universal. 

We the Ishayas teach Tantra which means to weave, so through this meditation called Ascension' we ignite the fire from the heart through Praise Gratitude Love Compassion. and awaken the upward spiral to engage in your enlightenment, easily and effortlessly.  Which does not require effort or belief.  

The weaving takes place on its own, with the right instructions that are secret and only learned in person. 

How it is woven?  Anahata - Vishuddha - Manipura - Ajña - Svadishtana - Sahasrara - Muladhara, Brahman - Krishna. on that order.  And this entire blog is devoted to expanding on this.  Enter and discover the way to be One with the One.  or go on your way, and be assured that the only game in town, is to transcend this world while in a body, and be joyful that we are the inheritance to be the Masters of Creation, and you either wake up now, or wake up later.  But the ultimate outcome is to live a life enlightened and aid this shaky planet to enter Peace as a consequence Brahman and Krishna are impossible from the perspective of the ego, and the survival of the body paying insurance to have medical attention, to aid you leave faster. 


Walk with us, be one with the one, and aid this planet in healing.  Join us and let us unite and discover your true purpose in life. Or if you choose to not act on this invitation, we farewell you until you are ready to make the choice and commit to it, because the journey must take place somewhere in the future, we are the Masters of Creation, immortal beings living nine estates of awareness conscious or stuck in two that became you when you were born to the creation arena, we call life.  Sooner or later you will awake to the conscious awareness of the Ascendant, and fly with the eagles, and enter the indescribable beauty of the divine presence. 

Jai Isham Isvaram,

Yogananda Ishaya. 


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